Thursday, July 10, 2008



It's been over a year since I've written in this blog, but after joining the virtual trading room, I thought I would start to post more comments to try to keep my thoughts in check and hopefully look for areas on improvement.

LEH was the stock of the day this morning, I managed to short it a couple times during the sell off at 10am, but was only at 25% of the share size I wanted to be at and didn't hold it anywhere near long enough. I through on a few shares later in the day short at 1:00, as the market was running up, but the financial stocks in general were weak, so thought I would give it a shot, it worked!
AA was another stock that worked well this morning, I got long pretty quick off the open and held for 50-75 cents before selling it all.

The biggest loss I had of the day was MON, I got long around 9:45, and the stock fell apart and ended up losing just over 300 on it.

With the rally into the close, I'm not sure what I will have planned for tomorrow, I've wanted to be long for the past couple days as I didn't think we had enough weakness to the short side, but the sell off mid afternoon today has made me re-think a few things.

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