Friday, June 22, 2007


With the gap down pre-market I was looking to go long off the open for the fade, but kept in mind that we have been going down for the past couple of days so it was very possible it would reverse on me, and it did. I jumped into SPY and GS right at the pivot level after the open and took a quick 0.50 in GS before it reversed back down and ended up taking a loss in SPY as it sank downwards. At this point it was time to get on the short side of things.

At about 10:45 there was a fairly big push downwards but I missed it so waited for the pullback which came almost immidiately, so I entered SPY again short at 151.18 only for it to continue up and hit the pivot line again, at which point I exited the position, was not thinking cleary there.

DE was a good trade today. I entered with 200 shares long at 124.55 at 9:45 because the market had sold off but DE was still holding strong, held this for 0.60 and exited at 124.75, way too early as I should have at least waited for the R1 resistance level. Oh well...

I was pretty pissed about SOHU today as it had been strong all day and was looking to get in it towards the end of the day. I jumped in just after 2:35 at 29.50 and was looking for a run up to previous highs, I ended up getting stopped out 29.40 and then watching it run up 40 cents. Another thing I need to work on loosening up my stops.

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